Decision Pivoting
It's done, you decided. You paid for the movers, you have a lease. Your plan is in motion. Your new life is begun. AGGGGGHHHH! Panic mode sets in.
Relax. Continue. Or don't. You can always pivot if this doesn't work out. NOTHING has to be forever. If you wanted this course you are on, you can continue for awhile. See how it works out. Should you change your mind you may have some changes to make, but they don't have to be as major as you are making them out to be in your mind. Perhaps you need a defined end point.
Pivot. Turn. Look around and see all the directions you can go now that you made it here. You can even plan a pivot.
What's your why? Are you really taking care of you, or did you decide based on false information or values which mean nothing to you? Can you investigate other choices? Information should help on this. Perhaps your intuition senses something and by doing more research you can reassure yourself that your decision is sound.
Now that you have figured out the why, HOW are you going to do this? Is this decision supporting your why? Can it if you do a slight pivot, or do you need to make a major pivot? Lists help me. List what you want, list resources available via the choice you have made to get what you want, list the pros and cons. Evaluate your lists. What did you miss or forget or gloss over? Write it down in the correct column. Re-evaluate.
To pivot, you may need to start over on the job hunt. You may need to choose a different area to live. You may need to make even bigger life choices than these. Only you decide this, you are the boss of your life, even if you are in a relationship, you do need to decide what you want. I do not advocate changing your relationship unless you are in danger.........then get out now. If not, your choices affect others and you may need to have a family meeting. Review the choices, review what you want out of life, investigate others wants and needs if they are affected by your choices. Again, evaluate. I do not believe that you have no need to work or support yourself. I also believe that the stay at home partner contributes to the relationship by managing your home, family and life. But this should always be a mutual decision.
Pivoting could also be a job choice. Do you like what you do? Does it pay the bills you need it to pay? Does it support you and your future goals? If not, what can you do so that it does do these things? Do these, start small, start today, start with gusto.
Pivoting doesn't mean you have to change everything, it does mean that taking a step in one direction or another you can follow your dreams and plans. Make your life yours since it is the only one you get.