
Dealing with disappointment.  It's challenging.  Whether it is something at work, in your personal life, or an expectation that doesn't pan out, it can have you feeling angry, or pissy, or uncomfortable.  Many negative thoughts can go through your head.

You have to rewire yourself a little.  Give yourself the silver lining...........or at least something positive from this disappointment.  Plans got cancelled for dinner, at least it will be easier to keep to your chosen diet.  You didn't get that new job, something wonderful is just around the corner.  You know it, you just have to keep your eyes open.  

Expectations are a bugger.  WHAT should you do?  Do you choose to lower your expectations?  Should you discuss them with the person who disappointed you?  If this feels like a dangerous decision, really think hard about this.  Did your workplace not do what it said it would?  Could you afford to be let go if you make waves?  Did your significant other disappoint you?  Is this something vastly important to you?  Is it more important than your relationship?  Or is it annoying.

If it is more important than the relationship discuss this as soon as possible with your significant other.  They may be totally blind sided by this information.  Also do this if it is annoying.  My take on people is that if they are meant to be in your life this will work out. Be aware if you discuss this with someone who is not involved in this issue, it could be thrown in your face for the rest of this relationship, weakening the ties that you have with this person.   Sometimes a therapist pays for themselves in extended relationships.