
I started my store.  I am on E-bay.  I have been on E-bay before. I have also sold on Amazon.  I can ship up easily, and finding things to sell is also easy for me.  My challenge, i.e., is listing.  My job is to list.  I have a listing goal of 30 listings per day by July 1.  I am listing 10 per day.  I plan to go to 15 in March, 20 in April, 25 in May and 30 daily in June.  This will help me ramp up to finding that many items to list.  I have a list of sourcing already started.  I have a guru, a podcast I am learning from as I go.  

I am still writing.  I also found more coned yarn for my weaving fun.  My wardrobe is getting refined, I am keeping what fits well and looks great on me.  The rest is being laundered to sell.  

Do you buy on E-bay?  Do you like it?  I really like using my app on my phone to see what is going on.  My next big goal is having my 90 day total over 5,000.  It's close to $400 right now, so this will let me know I am keeping on track.