Frugal Friday

Frugal Friday
Photo by Andrew Haimerl / Unsplash

I am retiring.  

Semi-retiring, until my income without my job can pay my living expenses.  I am figuring out my finances.  I got my Social Security report, I need to know what I can expect.  With these numbers, my goal is to see how well I can live on that sum of money.  I may need to figure out creative fun ways to live well on less.  It's time.

I have a collection of frugal living books, and I have read and practiced frugality my entire life.  Partly I did this because I like having F...U money, and I like being able to work part time.  Nursing is a tough gig, sometimes you need to step back and take time away from it.  I like having that option.

When I want to try something new, I explore my options.  I borrow books on the topic from the library.  I invest in some equipment and start with simple projects, I prefer to spend less than $100 initially until I know if I want to learn and do more.

There are multiple ways to do this.  Take a class, it may cost more, but if the class provides the tools, there are less upfront costs to trying your newest obsession.  I find that learning new things keep me excited about the rest of my life.  

Sign up for on-line classes, I joined one that allows unlimited access to the classes. one of my sisters is taking MasterClasses.  I have also signed on  to SkillShare.  I have listened to three hours of classes already.  I believe that the productivity class I watched has more value than the year up front that I paid. If I am not learning new things I get very bored of life in general.

Make friends, reach out if necessary.  Keep your commitments to do things, people will stop inviting you if you flake out unnecessarily.  Remember those dating days?  Do you maybe need more information at dating as we get older?  Let me know.

Make lists.  List everything you enjoy doing.  List everything you can't stand doing, and a way to have someone do it for you or to stop doing it totally.  List movies or shows you want to see, places you want to go, sports or outdoor activities you want to do.  

My retirement guru is Ernie J. Zelinski.  I have been reading and rereading his books for the last few years, getting ready for working less.  The Joy of Not Working and How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free are two of my favorite books of all time.  I have pulled The Joy of Not Working out of the shelf to reread.

Pinterest is both a time sink but is awesome for inspiration.  What do you want?  How do you see your life evolving?  What is your perfect day?  What could you have done TODAY to be closer to your ideal day?

It's your life, choose it!