Prepare for a terrific day

Prepare for a terrific day
Photo by XPS / Unsplash

To have a great day at your chosen job, you start the day or evening prior to this day/week.

Plan your menu for your work week.  Yes, I feel this is most important, good food, and snacks if you still eat that way, fuel you for the day.  The better your fuel, the better you will run.  You will be more effective and efficient for your entire shift.

Get your meals and snacks for your day put together, into containers and even into the bag you carry your lunch in if it fits into your fridge.  Make sure to put in a reasonable serving size and a variety of foods.  If you do not, you will be tempted or even need to use the cafeteria or vending machines and may wreck your healthy eating.

Have your uniforms for the next week washed, hung up and set up in a designated area ready to step into.  Include all of your undergarments, socks and shoes if necessary.  It's been proven that humans do best with a limited number of decisions daily.  Automating the food and uniforms decrease your day's total number of decisions.  Optimize.

Wind down in your chosen method.  Pamper yourself.  You know your pampering choices, perhaps a weekly facial at the start of your workweek, a manicure to ensure smooth, pretty nails, whether or not they are polished, maybe even a massage.  Listen to some relaxing music or enjoy a favorite show or movie.  For myself, I read prior to going to sleep.  Sit down now, make a list of things that help you to relax.  Choose of of these the next time you need a pampering idea.

If possible, turn off your phone notifications. Instruct immediate family and friends you would help NO MATTER WHAT on how to call you if it's after your bedtime.  Adjust time as needed, during the covid crisis, my work called at 5 am to cancel staff, so I changed my do not disturb setting to reflect this.

Note that nothing is written in stone, this should be fluid and changeable.  You do you, but be rested and ready for your work day.

Go to bed the same time each work night.  GET UP ON TIME.  Really.  ON TIME.  Do your morning routine, however long it takes. You planned this, you decide.  Leave yourself enough time for your commute.  When I have to commute any distance I listen to comedians, funny uplifting ones.  I also listen to books on tape, podcasts or favorite youtubers.  POSITIVE ones.  I start my day feeling upbeat when I arrive to work.

To maintain a positive attitude, I avoid negative people.  You know them, they are the ones who leave you feeling drained.  If you cannot avoid them altogether, limit your interactions.  Focus on your work, attempt to take breaks on a different schedule.  So many people focus on their phones on their breaks, you could avoid the negative people just by looking at your phone.