Meaty Monday Pizza

Crustless pizza casserole,

Here is my very simple guideline for this recipe.  Proportions are to taste.  Cook up your chosen meats for the pizza.  I use a ground meat and add the others.  I add a tablespoon of Penzey's Italian seasoning.  I love Penzey's because the spices taste vibrant and fresh.  I use about a pound of meats in combination.  Fry up in combination, since on a keto diet, fats are important and I use my oil blend from Sallie Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats , added to my meats.  Use your favorite tomato sauce, dollop onto the cooked meats.  I also saute onions and peppers with the meats, mushrooms would be good for mushroom lovers.

Top with your favorite spaghetti sauce, canned, jarred or homemade, I use about a cupful with more Italian seasoning.  Toss on grated mozzarella cheese.  If needed, place under the broiler for a minute to melt the cheese.  Serve.

Proportions  1 pound meat, 1-2 cups peppers, onions and other veggies, a tablespoon of Italian spices to taste, a cup of sauce or a bit more for moistness, and 1to 2 cups mozzarella cheese.

This makes 2-3 meals for me, I am keto-vore.  It also reheats well.

The oil blend is equal portions of olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil.  I use smaller amounts than called for in the book since I normally cook for one.  

I am eating on the Paleo/Keto type spectrum due to auto-immune disease.  In my family, it seems as though "everybody's got one!"  I started on this path with a couple of suggestions from my primary care provider.  

First step, I read Mastering Leptin: Your Guide to Permanent Weight Loss and Optimum Healt, by Byron Richards.  I find his voice to by quite dry, somewhat difficult to read because of it, but the information is excellent.  I shared this with my sisters, and one of them burned through all of the information in a single weekend and enthusiastically shared it back.  Between her and my other sister we began our little support group, first with this book, following the rules for eating and beginning our health and weight loss journey.

I was describing what I was doing to a coworker commenting on my progress, and she said, "Oh, intermittant fasting."  Hmmm, now I had to find out more.  YouTube became my best friend.  

Because of YouTube, I found Dr. Jason Fung and the book The Obesity Code.  As you can see, I had an up-word information spiral that had me feeling better and better.

So first steps, start eating three meals a day, no snacks.  Eat meals spaced five or six hours apart, and eat last meal at least three hours before bedtime.  I don't eat gluten due to my body's reaction to it.  I have gone nearly a year without it and the swelling in my feet and legs is gone, the headaches and belly aches have gone down about 90%, and I have way more energy for day to day living.  

More to come.  

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