Sunday letter sick kitty

Not a frugal week, had a vet visit this week.  I took him in because of an open area, the vet tells me the upper respiratory infection he has is more worrisome.  Now that open area is about triple the size.  I am expecting him to need a surgery when I take him in.  I have a budget in mind, hope he doesn't exceed it.

We spent an afternoon with my sweetie's family, had a birthday to celebrate.  Went to a new to me restaurant.  Just yum!!!  I am on a strict low low carb ketovore, but I managed fairly well.  I had halibut in a green curry sauce with grilled zuchini and yellow squash.  I had cheese and meat from the charcuterie plate, and coffee and tea to drink.  I sat next to the birthday guest, and we talked about life growing up.  It was fun.  

We went to a tool thriftstore, I found a few things for a couple of dollars, he found several things worth over $100 total for around $20.  Success.  Then we went to the Outlet Half Price Books.  The clearance books were still a dollar apiece, and the regular price books are never more than five dollars.  I am running out of shelf space, will need to go through and see if I can thin out about 10%.  I go down the line counting to 10, pick the book I least want to keep.  It works about half the time to do it this way.  I have also been known to thin out other things in the same way.

How are you?  Any updates?  What are you looking forward to?  I have a writer's workshop in November.  I am enjoying my weaving magazines.  One of the magazines talks about small looms, and it has a wool rug woven on a pin loom, small pieces joined together and then fulled, which is a way to make the wool all felty.  It is cool and I could make it in a flowery colorway that matches a quilt my sister gave me.  

My writing has been slow this week.  I need to finish the quilting book, it's a quick read for Amazon.  I have to put the cover together, edit and finish the list of things to check out.  Such as good places to buy fabric, and where to get the notions, scraps and ideas for the quilts.  Maybe an hour, maybe two all together.

I have a goal of at least 4 books this year, up to 6.  My budget without any income will cover 4 books/covers and possibly the editing.  Perhaps promotion once the series is completed.  The urban fantasy is written under CHVance.  Short and simple.  

Weather is chilly for Austin.  Like 30's at night, anywhere from 40 to 60's during the day.  I am acclimated.  It feels cold to me.  Luckily, I have warm clothing that I can wear.  Plus my sweetie loves to keep me supplied with cords, I have them in multiple sizes due to weight loss, and the weirdness that is our clothing industry.  I have at least 3 different sizes of clothing that all fit perfectly, depending on brand and on style!!!

Thinking of clothing now.  Must sleep, another vet visit in the am.  Keep warm.  

Love, Colleen