Sunday letters

Sunday letters
Photo by Diego PH / Unsplash

Hi, It's Sunday again.

As usual, I am enjoying life to the fullest.  The secret park was full of people this weekend.  The air was brisk, it was in the low 50's when we arrived.  I was wearing new boots to see how they would handle walking, along with comfortable Levi's and two sweatshirts to keep warm.  I had a simple print t-shirt, and a black belt buckled with my Montana Silversmith  double heart buckle I found at one of my favorite thrift stores.  

My sweetheart spoiled me, as usual.  The boots he had gotten me for my birthday, I had thought, but no, they are a gift for our anniversary of our dating.  So cool, the birthday boots, same style, another color, are on their way.  I really love the boots, wore them all weekend, and I kept going to the full length mirror to check how they looked.  Felt pretty and felt like I was being vain.  I can handle it.

My science reading this week has been about telomeres.  I thought that was just some catch phrase, but no, telomeres are a thing.  They are the "ends of shoelaces" type cells on DNA that keeps DNA from unraveling and from stopping reproducing cells.  Really cool stuff.  

To keep your telomeres healthier, eat well, meditate, get good sleep, do things that help you reduce bad stress.  This is overly simplified, but this is all part of the book.  The science has been simplified so that it is very understandable.  

I am glad that I am not working as much.  I find that taking care of people day to day is much more difficult.  There is so much suspicion and paranoia on the part of patient's and families.  The trust that used to be assumed between health care workers and the patients has been broken, but I believe that those of us in health care are not the ones breaking this trust.  Unfortunately, this is something that will take time to heal.  There is no "medicine" that will make this easy.

I am enjoying these first days of fall coolness.  They won't last of course.  I have pulled my potted plants in, they can stay out when the nights are warmer.

Are you enjoying the changing seasons?  Have you decorated for fall?  

Luv, C