Sunday letters

Dear friend,

I hope you are well, I am thinking of you!  Let me know how life has been.

I am doing great.  I am very happy with my choice to become semi-retired.  You might think I would be bored with having five days to fill.  I have lists of things to do, reading I want to complete, subjects to study and physical activities to improve my health!

This last week I spent a lot of time at home.  I have dual projects going, getting rid of clutter along with starting my online selling business back up.  I have sold stuff online on again off again since 2006.  I love the internet, it has made learning and doing new things easier than ever.  I no longer need to sit in the corner with the encyclopedia to jump from topic to topic...........

The storage closet costs half of what the increased cost of an apartment with an additional bedroom or the space would cost, and even less than trying to move or moving into a house would cost me.  It is a good return on my investment, and is only a month to month commitment, should I decide I do not need it.

I have gotten rid of a couple of monthly bills that weren't serving me, lowered my entertainment costs since I rarely watch TV, and what I do watch is available on-line or on my new Roku.  Frugal win.

My sweetheart did a small repair on my car, gave me a new, beautiful purple (gotta love purple) outfit, and spoiled me this weekend.  Our walk in the park I managed a few turtle pictures, after he gave me an idea on how to sneak closer for the pictures.  Another win.

I cooked dinner for him, cod in a buttery lemon sauce with a big chopped salad.  Enough for him, and still on my keto food plan.  I vary between keto and very low carb, always gluten free since gluten makes me ill.  I find that avoiding rice and most processed foods also helps me feel better.

I saw many dogs, I really miss my Bubba.  My Tango kitty keeps me good company though.

Replanted the fig trees into bigger planters and got a snake plant for inside of my apartment.  Inside plants are better if they are hard to kill.  I seem to take care of my outdoor plants better, or I just gauge the attention they need more easily.

I worked a couple of days, I was really frustrated with a family member who was an RN at my hospital at one time who behaved very unprofessionally.  Can't fix stupid.

All told, life was most excellent.  Be happy my friend.

Love you, C