Sunday musing

What makes me happy

Do you know what makes you happy?  Have you ever visualized your ideal day?  Can you write it down?  Take a few minutes, write down the things that make you happy and feel energized.  Figure out a way to do these things.

Now repeat.  Daily.  Be happy.

HA!  It sounds so much easier than it truly is.  Most of us allow life to distract us.  We have jobs, or tasks that seem very important.  But can you fit in some happiness?  I know I can.

I love to listen to music, I always listen to music when I am alone in my car.  I also listen to music as I work around my house.  I hear songs as I go about my day just playing in my head.  I no longer play any instruments but I did enjoy that also.  I also sing when I am alone.

Dancing, for anyone at all who knows me, is at the top of my list.  Although it's been awhile since I have been out dancing, I enjoy dancing on my mini-trampoline.  This accomplishes dancing, my number one favorite exercise, and music, and keeps me in shape.  A super dooper triple happiness win for me, and I forget to do this at times.  This blog is a great reminder to do my happiness chores.

Self care, which I find to be a bit of an oxymoron, can also help you feel happier and more contented.  Take a few minutes to take care of yourself, it makes you better at caring about others around you.  Get that new hairstyle.  Do your nails.  Take a long, hot bath or soak in the hot tub or hot springs.  Give yourself permission to do something that is JUST FOR YOU!  You deserve it.

Is there something you hate doing?  Is there some way to give that task away?  Can you just ignore it?  Perhaps pay someone to do it for you?  Trade tasks? If I can do none of these, I will do that task right away and get it over with.  Then the rest of my day is so much better as I no longer have it on my mind.

A couple of books come to mind when I consider this topic, "The Joy of Not Working" by Ernest Zelinski, and "It's Only Too Late If You Don't Start Now" by Barbara Sher.  Z has a life tree where you list things you enjoy doing.  If one of your balloons has travel in it, than you have spokes going out from it on places you would like to go, or methods of travel such as flying, trains or balloon rides, or cultures you want to explore.  If you list exercise, you expand that out, team sports, or dancing or weight lifting.  Cooking could include types of food, cuisines.  Animals could be raising animals, walking dogs or taking care of pets for others, having pets, volunteering at a shelter.  Only you can come up with these.

What are you doing to feel happier?