Sunday musings on Monday night


How are you doing?  I got distracted yesterday so I am writing my letter today.

I am decluttering lately.  I love my stuff.  Really love my stuff.  Too much stuff though.  I found a book called decluttering at the speed of life.  The author has a theory that just suits me.  She calls it her container theory.

Now the thing with her containers is this, the shoebox is a container, the kitchen cabinet is a container, the bookshelf is a container, the room is a container and the home is a container.  If you stuff your home container full, you don't give yourself any room to fit.  It's difficult to enjoy life if you are always moving things to move in your space.

Another thing she says that I have grabbed on to, is that it doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to get better.  So after clearing my kitchen counter, it is one hour better.  My dining room table is usable again, it just took 30 minutes, and everything is put away using her system.

My dishes have already been cut back due to limited kitchen cupboards, but I believe I will go even further.  I have four settings out.  I am going to cut back to two each of my favorite cups, glasses and mugs.  

The books are going to be challenging.  I have two more shelves to put together.  I believe I should stop there.  The container known as my apartment doesn't have much more space than that.  It will happen.  I can do this.

Sigh.  I am also preparing for a trip.  I have been waiting a long time to go to a writer's workshop.  I wanted to go last year, was unable to do so as there was none at the time.  I did take the time off and enjoy my sisters' visit instead.  This year, I am taking off with my sweetheart to learn and make connections with other writers.  Trying not to stress.  Tango, the orangest cat ever, is being taken care of and airport transportation is arranged.  

Enjoy your week!
