Take 5
I am always reading, exploring new ideas, open to new people. I found Mel Robins this week. She's been there, her podcast on YouTube has over a million followers. Her books are best sellers in print and Audible. Apparently the time was right. She is a huge proponent of right time!
What I love is her 5 second rule. This is a way to get off your ass and get things done. Get out of bed in the morning. Pay that bill that's nagging you. Deal with the jerks that you are avoiding. Don't deal with those jerks but find a way to live the way you want to. Start that big idea, goal, challenge, a step at a time.
The idea is to count DOWN. Not up. For some reason our brains are ready to launch when we count down. She explains the science. She finds things that work, then finds the science that explains how this works. I find this intriguing.
5-4-3-2-1, get it done. Get out of bed. Get dressed to shoes. Grab your keys, drive to the.......and do........ I can and have started doing this. She is on YouTube. She is on Instagram. Her books and Audibles are out there. She talks to me like she is my best friend, maybe even a better friend than most of those friends.