Vegas musings

We made it.  I first asked Frank to go to this event almost two years ago.  We are here.  20Booksto50K.  It's about writing, publishing your writings and the business of being a writer.  There are some workshops on story=writing etc.  A lot about how to publish, how to market one book and a series of books.  I am ecstatic to be here.

I wish my sisters could be here, I think they would love some of the stuff that has already come up.  I have chatted with an editor, other writers and fan-girled on one of the writers who is running this week of workshops.  The big stuff starts tomorrow.

My frugal win is the Lyft to the hotel, the walk to TARGET for our small meals, and getting here.  We will be going to some of the same things and splitting up due to having different writing preferences and strengths.  I have listened to many of the writers who are here over the last three years.  I recognize a lot of them by voice, and by name.  Some of them I recognize their faces.  I plan to get as much as possible from this event.  If the subject intrigues you, you can find the recordings of the sessions on YouTube under 20Booksto50K. Look at the 2021 for this years, the other years sessions are also awesome.

There are many resources listed if you want to take my path, writing to retirement, I will do a review of each book over the course of the next few weeks.  I get to see John Truby tomorrow, his book, "The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller", will be one of my first reviews.  He is talking about genre.  Genre is a way of categorizing fiction that was developed by marketers to market more writers.  I had several options in the same time frame, but he is my first choice.  Luckily there are no missed opportunities, I will be able to see the other options, barring any bad luck while recording.  

My future goal is to be able to support myself as a writer, I have been living on the amount I expect to collect from Social Security if I worked until 67.  It is possible but tight if I were to stay in the community I live in now.  Let's see how I progress.

Stay well.  Life is good.